(630) 257-9394
730 Chestnut Street, Lemont, IL 60439-4201

Residential Roof Installation and Repair Services

Get your home’s leaky rooftop fixed with Huebner Roofing Inc. in Chicago, Illinois. We offer complete roof repair and roof installation services, including:

• Slate Roofing • Tile Roofing • Asphalt Roofing

Slate Roofing

Allow our skilled personnel to install your slate roofing today. We replace metal flashings and rotten wood with slates that come in various sizes and thicknesses (3/16 inch to two inches). Depending on the quality of slate used, a slate roof can last for 50 years up to 400 years.


Unfading slates exhibit minimal color change, while semi-weather or weathering slates show a more obvious color variation. At our company, our slates are available in different colors, including:

• Black • Gray • Green • Purple • Red

What Is Slate?

Slate is a dense, tough, and durable rock that is mined from quarries from the eastern United States. It is non-absorbent, and was formed more than 500 million years ago. Exposure to weather causes all slate to slightly change in color. The degree of such change varies with different slates.

Tile Roofing

Ensure that your roof is in good condition at all times. Huebner Roofing Inc. provides tile roofing installations for home and business owners. Clay and cement are the materials used for making sturdy clay tiles that can last for more than 100 years.


The installation process includes removing existing tiles, replacing the paper underlayment, and re-laying the same good condition tile. In addition, any metal flashings or rotten would will also be replaced. Our contractors recommend keeping extra tiles on hand in case your roofs have broken or missing tiles.

Asphalt Roofing

Dimensional and three-tab asphalt shingles are widely used for various steep roofs. A dimensional shingle has a layered appearance because of the added layer on its top. It can last for 15 years to 40 years, depending on the roof’s slope, ventilation, and composition quality.

Copper Installation

In addition to roofing services, we also offer copper installation and all kinds of ornamental work. Our skilled personnel works on different copper projects, including:
•  Custom Sheet Metal
•  Design and Fabrication
•  Copper Gutters
•  Downspouts
•  Flashing
•  Standing Seam Roofs
•  Copper Flat-Lock Roofs